Naples Family Birth Center | Charlie Vaye

From the moment I arrived at the birth center, I could feel the excitement and anticipation. The intimate atmosphere coupled with the serene surroundings provided the perfect space for Charlie’s birth story. As I unpacked my equipment and prepared to enter Jami’s birth space, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude and reverence for the moments yet to unfold.

Jami and Kyle, already seasoned by the experience of welcoming two children, exuded a quiet confidence and a deep bond that was truly inspiring to witness. Together, they navigated the waves of labor with grace and determination, drawing strength from each other.

And then, in the stillness of the night, their daughter made her entrance into the world. As her cries filled the room, a wave of emotion washed over us all, a poignant reminder of the incredible journey of birth and the boundless joy that accompanies it. The moment was pure magic.

Amidst the flurry of activity that followed, one of the most touching moments occurred as the umbilical cord was delicately cut by Kyle, symbolizing the Charlie’s first step towards independence and the beginning of her journey in the outside world.

After some alone time with her parents, Charlie was moved to the scale for her newborn exam. Student midwife, Nicole worked swiftly and tenderly. Checking every detail and announcing her weight of 7lbs 13oz.

A bedside placenta tour was performed after Charlie was nestled in Kyle’s arms. A wonderfully symmetrical placenta with a perfect view of where she had spent her time in the womb… with the exception of the photo presentation being inside out.

Cradled in her father’s arms, Charlie settled in for a nap. Only a couple more hours and she can go home to join her brother and sister! Congratulations to Jami and Kyle and a warm welcome to Charlie Vaye.

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